Alfred Charles Smith was one of the first settlers to take up land in the area to set up a sawmill, this area was consequently called Smiths Mill. Since 1915 it has been known as Glen Forrest.
After the second section of the Eastern Railway passed through in 1884 timber, gravel and all manner of produce was able to be transported down to Perth, the port of Fremantle and beyond. The area became very busy with activity and then in time families came to settle and the amenities communities need became established were built such as a store, the first school building and also a hall.
However, what was especially needed was a Post Office. Since the opening of the railway the mail had been handled by the local stationmaster but in 1900 tenders were called for a Post office and this was built alongside the Octagonal Hall and opened on 1st March 1901. The following year a group of 235 residents presented a petition to the Colonial Secretary to ask for savings bank facilities at their Post Office. This was agreed to and another official opening was held on 21st July 1902 by the first Postmistress Edith Lamb ….see photograph below.
Edith Lamb was the Post mistress for six years followed by many others including Mrs Margaret Blampey from 1922-1944 and Nancy Morgan who held that position we are told for 40 years!

Edith Lamb 1905

One year old John Blampey at the rear of the Post Office