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Mothering Sunday

Tea and Scones Anyone?

Mothering Sunday is the fourth Sunday in Lent and not a Public Holiday, it was originally to attend their local church and this year it fell on the 27th March, which was yesterday.

This year Australian Mother's Day will fall on the 8th May.

Mother's Day has become a commercial nightmare, but I remember when we made Mum breakfast in bed. Not smashed avocado on sourdough at a trendy cafe - usually a cold slice of toast smothered in vegemite and an equally cold cup of weak milky tea.

It didn't matter, as a Mum it was a blessing to have the kids bounce in to the bedroom slopping tea everywhere. The joy on their faces was enough.

Unfortunately, now, the media advertising tells us that we need elaborate gifts to prove that we love our Mums. I was always happy to get pasta necklaces and handprint artwork. So I do hope that the Kindy kids still make these treasures.

Stoneville Sunday School Outing c1938


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