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Father's Day and Historic Family Photos

As we have all just celebrated Father's Day no doubt many photos may have been taken at gatherings all over Australia.

We thought of how it was not easy to take a photograph early last century. A family photograph needed to be organised, unlike in this century when we would usually have a portable device on hand to take a happy snap.

Think of the photographer with a black cloth over his head and a camera on a tripod. Like the one pictured below.

Portrait photographs would usually be taken in a photographic studio or if you were wealthy, the photographer would come to you.

We have included some formal portraits of Mundaring families in this post.

Watch out for MHHS's upcoming photographic competition. Prizes to be won.

An early example of photographer with camera

John Henry McKinnerly and wife Annie (nee Byfield) with daughter Pearl and baby Norman in 1905

Thomas Smith and Family Circa 1894

The Mucciarone Family in 1948

Edward Byfield and Wife Bessie with baby C1870s

Hannah and Ben Pitterson in 1900 - Original owners of Pitterson's Store in Glen Forrest


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