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Annual and General Meeting Saturday 20 August @ 2pm

Mundaring Lesser Hall

Cnr Jacoby and Nichol St Mundaring

Most of us are not so keen on AGMs, but they are a necessary evil to keep the members of organisations apprised of what is happening behind the scenes. In our organisation we have regular Executive meetings throughout the year to ensure we are keeping up with our key performance indicators. Our Shire funding relies on expected programs and outcomes. At our General Meetings, we usually let our members know the outcomes of these discussions without going into too much detail.

At the meeting on the 20th August, we will give our members a chance to voice their views on local historical issues. So feel free to come along and have your say.

The Mundaring Hall has been the venue for many types of events. Maid of the Mountain, Debutante Balls and weddings to name a few.

Maid of the Mountains 1963

1963 wedding of Ted Ingram and Evelyn Munro

1953 Coronation Debutante Ball


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