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Picnicking . .

A crossing loop was constructed at this location in 1912, and was named Park View. It was renamed Hovea because the original name was considered too similar sounding to Swan View and Bellevue. It was named for the holly-leaved hovea, with its clusters of pea-like purple flowers, which is common in the Darling Range. Until 1936, Hovea was the nearest stop on the Eastern Railway for picnickers wanting to access the Greenmount National Park, as Western Australia’s first national park was then known. Gardens and paths, built by Depression sustenance workers in the 1930s, made the park a popular place to visit.


Image: The gently sloping Hovea Falls is found in the John Forrest National Park.

Hovea Falls.JPG

State Registered Places in Hovea are:


Eastern Railway - Three Bridges


Eastern Railway Deviation (Mahogany Creek Deviation) including Swan View Tunnel



19. Hovea Station Master's House.jpg

Above: James, Kathie, Ivan and Annie Howe, Hovea Station Master’s House, 1917/18. MHHS Collection.

20. Hovea Railway Station. No Date..jpg

Hovea Railway Station. No Date.

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